Know Your Retina

Know Your Retina

What is Retina?

  • Retina is the vital part of eyes which enables us to see things around us
  • Retina is present on the inner wall of the back of the eye ball
  • Fovea is the central part of retina which is responsible for vision
  • Retina passes visual information to brain through optic nerve
  • Retina gets its nourishment from blood vessels which can get damaged due to diabetes mellitus of high blood pressure Healthy retina requires a healthy lifestyle

Flashes of Light

  • Flashes of light may be seen with both open and closed eyes; in lighted or dark surroundings
  • Flashes may be accompanied with floating opacities in front of eyes called floaters
  • A curtain or veil in front or side of vision may be seen with flashes
  • Seeing flashes of light must NOT be ignored and immediate retina check up is needed to rule out retinal break or retinal detachment
  • Retinal break is treated with laser and retinaldetachment may need surgery


  • Floaters are moving opacities in the vision which can be of any shape or side
  • Floaters are more prominently seen against a light background like walls or sky
  • Most of the times floaters are harmless but they can be a sign of eye disease too
  • A retina specialist can examine the eye and suggest whether floaters are harmless or sign of any disease
  • Harmless floaters do not usually require treatment
  • New floaters, increase in floaters or floaters associated with flashes need an immediate retina check up by a retina specialist

Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Damage to retina in diabetes mellitus is called diabetic retinopathy
  • Control of blood sugar is most important step to prevent diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy can be present in people with normal vision
  • Every person with diabetes should have regular retina check up to detect retinopathy at earliest
  • Treatment of diabetic retinopathy is done with retinal laser, multiple intravitreal injections and retina surgery
  • Treatment of diabetic retinopathy continues for few years

Eye Stroke

  • Eyes may have stroke like brain or heart
  • Eye stroke can affect retina and nerve of the eye Common strokes in retina are BRVO and CRVO CRVO is bigger stroke than BRVO
  • Treatment of eye stroke lasts from few months to few years
  • Intravitreal injections are first treatment in most eyes with stroke
  • Retina Laser and Surgery are needed in few eyes
  • Normal blood pressure, well controlled diabetes and lipid profile can prevent eye stroke

Retinal Detachment

  • Retinal detachment is separation of retina from posteiror welt of eye
  • Eyes with high myopia or high minus power are at more risk of development of retinal detachment
  • Retinal detachment can be partial or total and cause decrease in vision depending upon extent
  • Most of the retinal detachments are treated with surgery
  • Scleral ( buckling and vitrectomy are surgeries for retinal detachment)
  • Surgery for retinal detachment should be performed as early as possible